A(z) Varázsgomba (Psilocybe) azonosítása, szedése – Shroomhunter 101 cikk, először a Sámánok és Entheogének oldalon jelent meg.
Varázsgomba azonosítása, szedése – Shroomhunter 101
Megszeretnéd tudni, hogyan azonosítsd be legkönnyebben a varázsgombát? A Shroom hunter 101 az első videó a shroomhunter videó tanfolyamban, aminek célja, hogy bevezesse a gomba vadászokat a varázsgomba élőhelyén lévő azonosításhoz. A Shroomhunter 101 a Psilocybe (Varázsgomba – Magic Mushroom) nemzetség tagjaira összpontosít, amelyek városi és elővárosi környezetben is megtalálhatóak.
Interested in magic mushroom identification? Shroom hunter 101 is the first video in the shroomhunter video course, and is designed to introduce the novice shroom hunter to the basics of field identification. Shroomhunter 101 focuses on members of the genus Psilocybe (MAGIC MUSHROOMS), which can be found in urban and suburban environments.
This video is an introduction to wild mushroom hunting – covering basic identification techniques and valuable information and images that will help you locate and identify wild mushrooms. This title, the first in the Shroomhunter video course, focuses on hunting members of the genus Psilocybe – the infamous ‘magic mushroom’ – specifically, those species found in urban habitats within cool, temperate climates of the Pacific Northwest, Western Europe, the British Isles, Southern Australia, and New Zealand.
Many of the mushrooms depicted in this Video Program are restricted by law in localities outside the United States, and within the United States by the Controlled Substance Act and other applicable laws.
The Producers of this program in no way encourage or endorse the collection, consumption or trade of legally restricted mushrooms, and bear no responsibility for anyone’s decision to engage in these or any other illegal activities.
All video footage depicting the collection and handling of psilocybin-containing mushrooms was produced in localities where at the time of production, collection and handling of such mushrooms did not constitute the commission of a criminal act.
This Video Program is intended for use strictly as an entertainment and informational product. No persons associated with the program’s content are in any way professionally affiliated with accredited educational program or institution of learning.
Collecting wild mushrooms can be dangerous. Anyone chosing to seek out or consume wild mushrooms does so at his or her own risk. The information contained in this Program is true and acurate to the best of the Producer’s knowledge, and the Producers accept no responsibility for the misidentification or physical reactions any person may have to the ingestion of wild mushrooms.